Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Winter in Tokyo, Japan

It has always been my dream to visit Japan even when I was still a student. So while I'm still taking up my Bachelor's degree I already got my Philippine passport. I told myself that one day, I am definitely going to experience everything special and wonderful about Japan.

I was already more than three years in my previous company when I planned to visit Japan. So I sorted things out and since there are lists of requirements for you to get a Japan tourist visa in the Philippines which only accredited agencies can submit directly to the Japan Embassy. It may take up to 7-10 working days and it's not that easy because you don't have an idea if your visa will be granted or not until you received back your passport.

(Please visit: for the requirements and accredited agencies)

It was February 22, 2016 when me and my best friend Yujean visited Tokyo, Japan. Yujean Jackson Copeland is my best friend since fifth grade. We're friends for more than a decade now!

This photo was taken inside the plane. We chose All Nippon Airlines because we wanted to experience Japanese Airline and we've heard that it is very nice, well I couldn't agree more!

TIPS: If you're looking for a cheaper flight tickets, go for Cebu Pacific or Jetstar where you can get a promo as well.

After four hours of travel by plane (MNL to NRT) and less than an hour travel by train (Narita Airport to Tokyo Station)...

Tadaaa! It was so cold around 7 degrees celsius. We didn't missed to take a photo in Tokyo Station Marunouchi Building, a historic building since 1914.

Fudge! It was too cold, so we grabbed a taxi immediately. Another 15 minutes to the hotel where we booked our 5D4N stay in Tokyo!

πŸ“Finally, we reached the Hotel SunRoute Asakusa at around 5pm! What a fluffy bed and comfortable room. And what we love the most was the location of the hotel which is very near to all the shopping centers, restaurants, and train stations. Winner!!

If you want an accommodation in Tokyo where it is an easy access and convenient for you, I suggest Hotel SunRoute Asakusa! It is ★★★★ hotel, it's a bit expensive but worth it! We booked for 5 days 4 nights at the costs of 29,000 pesos but that's already good for two persons.

Of course, picture all you can inside the room!
Since we're already tired, luckily 7eleven was just beside of our hotel. We had Onigiri, πŸ™πŸ™ it's a Japanese rice balls which is filled with something different - surprise! You will not know what you are getting, unless you can read japanese writing. Lol I love the tuna mayo flavor, anyway!

We had a short walk just to enjoy the weather outside, then we came back home early so we can have more rest and to get ready for tomorrow's battle! πŸ’ͺ

Day 2: Sensoji Temple, Asakusa Shrine and Tokyo Sky Tree

We woke up at 6am, had breakfast in the hotel, and ready to start the day! Make sure that your phone and camera are fully charged.

πŸ“Our hotel is located in Kaminarimon, Taitō which is within a 10-minute walk to Sensoji Temple, and Asakusa Shrine.

Forget about everything except your OOTD shot! 😝

πŸ“ Senso-ji Temple

Sensō-ji is an ancient Buddhist temple located in Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. Formerly associated with the Tendai sect of Buddhism, it became independent after World War II.

This is the Tokyo's oldest and most visited temple in Tokyo especially for the giant paper lantern at the Kaminarimon Gate.

Tryin' the Japanese street foods! πŸ˜‹
Sorry but I forgot the name. Haha Can anyone help me what has written in that ¥50?

And here's to the feeling-celebrity-moment! We got interviewed by Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), since 'twas a peak season and a lot of tourists in that area, we were the chosen ones! 😎😝πŸ’ͺ

They have asked, how's our stay in Tokyo? What are the foods we have already tried? How much money we have already spent? Etc.

What a great experience though!

We also visited Tokyo Sky Tree which costs 2,060 Japanese Yen. It is certainly became a new symbol of Tokyo and is very popular among tourists. The view from up there was impressive though quite pricy. We doesn't have that much photos here since it was already late and dark. Hehe

Next destination:

πŸ“ Shibuya

We took photos below with those bright buildings unknowingly Hachiko's statue was just right there. I only found out when we already left the place. Lol

And I had experienced to pass through the Shibuya Crossing were the sprawling scramble intersection just outside Shibuya Station is an embodiment of Tokyo itself; action in all directions. All people meet in the middle in a frantic mess, bumping, side stepping, and swerving around each other as they try to cross so I joined them. Haha

Are you looking for the best Ramen?

Well, here's the answer!!

You can find it here in Ichiran, Shibuya! This place is typically Japanese with its vending machine ordering system.

Noodles were good, soup was delicious. You have to sit at this bar with side panels that can either be slot in so you can enjoy your ramen in peace or unlock it and chat with your friends whilst slurping your ramen.

This was the best ramen I've ever had so far!


Day 3. Tokyo Disneyland

That feeling when you still want to enjoy your bed but you have to wake up early! I was trying to convince my best friend if we can stay for a little while inside the room since my legs are quite painful, but it didn't work! Haha

Her face was like, Tara naaa! (Let's go!)

While waiting for the train, of course don't miss the magic word:


The directions inside the train station are kinda confusing, so always remember the names, and landmarks, otherwise you might get lost. Lol

From Tokyo Station, we took the JR Keiyo Line or the JR Musashino Line and go to Maihama Station. It costs 220 yen per passenger. We just walked from Maihama Station to Tokyo Disneyland.

Disneyland here we come!!

"Adults are only kids grown up anyway!" - Walt Disney

We bought our tickets for 1 Day Pass at 7,400 yen but there are websites where you can book online and I guess you can also get discount.

Kinda weird when me and my best friend were wearing colorful clothes while the people we got bumped into are wearing earth colors! Haha I've found out that it has something to do with their season (traditional).

The places and streets are so clean, I remember one personnel inside the theme park who was spraying and scrubbing the dirt on the floor. Like they don't want to see even the smallest dirt. That's why they are one of the top cleanest countries in the world! Amazing!!

One thing I also noticed and I adore about Japanese is how patient they are. I have witnessed when we were in the queue for the rides, when we were about to buy that Disney food - Turkey Leg which has a very very long queue so we gave up haha and in everywhere. Japanese are also very polite. You will always see them smiling or saying, "Arigatou gozaimasu" or thank you so much in their language.

We've spent almost the whole day there, though we only took few rides due to long queues. Hehe And it was so cold (5 degrees), we cannot stay longer with our thin clothes.

It was indeed a great experience to feel like a kid again! Away from stress, headaches, and dramas in life. Hahaha We took a ride in Star Tours which was my favorite one, dance in the park like who cares?, we walked around even we're already shivering. Lol

Day 4. Ueno Park and Zoo

It is located in central Tokyo, so from hotel we had three-minute walk to take a train from Tawaramachi Station to JR Ueno Station (Ginza-line) and from there you can just walk for five minutes to the park.

Ueno Park is one of Tokyo's most popular and lively cherry blossom spots with more than 1000 cherry trees lining its central pathway.

Unfortunately, we weren't able to see the cherry blossoms since they are usually in bloom during late March and early April.

Ueno Zoo is the Japan's first zoological garden which is the oldest zoo. It's most popular residents are giant panda bears, which first moved here in 1972 on the occasion of the normalization of relations between Japan and China.

Adults (16-24):     600 yen
Seniors (65+):       300 yen
Students (13-15):  200 yen
Children (0-12):    FREE

Hour: 9:30 to 17:00
Closed: Mondays

Even sea lions can have sunbathe, that's why they're tanned! πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Š

WARNING: Don't get confused!! πŸ˜‚

My best friend tryin' to be like a wild Panda. πŸ˜„πŸΌ 

I am jealous with this Panda, having a good sleep in the middle of the day!

These kids caught my attention because of their cute faces, blushing cheeks, and school hats! They are having school program while me and my best friend were just like trying-to-be-a-kid-again! Haha

These kids reminds me of that video which I have watched in CBS This Morning, how Japan encourages parents to let kids walk to school solo. You will really get amazed once you've watch this video. Kids were so independent.

Japan has a very low crime rate, which is surely a key reason parents feel confident about sending their kids out alone.

I also got the chance to meet this person! Kim Nakano, my friend since high school. He's half-japanese and half-filipino. My bully friend who's always willing to listen to my dramas in life. Haha He also used to be my neighbor back in Philippines.

Thanks for the treat Kemoy! We had lunch in TGIF. Very Japanese! Hahahaha But OMG! Babyback ribs was GREAT! I enjoyed my food. Ang sarap talaga kapag libre! 😜😜

"Last night in Japan"

Of course, having this filipino culture - buying of souvenirs! Haha Japanese noodles, chocolates, biscuits, shirts, etc. I really appreciate this self-service thingy! You buy goods in the store, so you have to pack it also by yourself! Hehe So cute. Just grab a handbag/plastic, then do-the-packing! πŸ˜„πŸ’ͺ

We've watched in the news - weather forecast that there's a probability for snowfall. At around 2am, we went out to check and wait for it. We were so excited. And when we came out from the hotel, tadaaa!! It was raining, but not a snow. It was a cold water! Haha πŸ’¦

So we just stayed in the Hotel Lobby.

Day 5.  Flying back to Manila, Philippines!

Now I can put a check on my bucket lists! ✅ JAPAN

'Twas a dream come true, a great and memorable experience but it doesn't end here. I will surely come back to explore the whole Japan! Hahaha Power!!

"Last trip to take a train."

Thank you for reading my blog! πŸ˜ŠπŸ’— If you liked this post please let me know in the comments below.

Share it with your friend you'd like to travel to Japan with!

You can find me on instagram @vnasss

UP NEXT: Trip to Osaka - Kyoto - Hyogo 2017 on my next blog (Coming Soon)! :)

Summer in Osaka, Japan

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